Heraklion, Crete has dreamy shores where you can enjoy the summer sun as well as the sunset over the sea. Kommos and its beach are perhaps the best places to witness the most impressive sunset over the sea.

Kommos, the ancient port of Phaistos

Kommos, besides being a mesmerizing beach, is also a unique archaeological site for Crete. The ruins of buildings, tools, and altars near the beach indicate that it was the port of ancient Phaistos. Thus, it was one of the most important ports of the Minoan civilization, which connected Crete with the rest of Greece.

According to mythology, the beach of Kommos is one of the two places that might have housed the labyrinth of the Minotaur. Additionally, experts believe that Kommos was the throne of Minos.

An endless paradise

The enchanting beach of Kommos is located in the bay of Messara. It is just 66 kilometers from Heraklion and 2 kilometers from Matala. Despite being known to visitors and island residents, it remains the ideal beach for summer as it is not crowded and noisy.

Its crystal-clear and deep blue waters, the Caretta-Caretta turtles, and the sand lilies create an idyllic landscape. The white formations of sand dunes and rocks, sculpted by wind and sea, resemble remnants of an ancient civilization. To the south of the beach, there is the chapel of Saint Panteleimon. From there, you can enjoy the unique view of the sea and the vast sandy beach.

A little further along stands Volakas, a piece of land in the sea. According to ancient mythology, it is the peak of the mountain that the Cyclops Polyphemus threw at Odysseus and his crew when they escaped from his cave.


Kommos, the most impressive sunset over the sea

Through its unique natural landscape, you can enjoy the sunset over the sea. When the sun begins to set behind Paximadia, the two small islands, the sky fills with colors that create unique images. The light creates a kind of play with the rest of the landscape. Thus, the shadows of the islands, the sky, the blue of the sea, and the white sand enchant you.

Book your ticket with Fast Ferries for a unique sunset over the sea!

Heraklion, Crete and its beaches are among the most beautiful destinations in Greece. Kommos awaits you to discover it. Fill your return luggage with images and memories that you will cherish all year round. All you have to do is book your ticket here and travel with Thunder to Heraklion, Crete.

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