If you’re planning a trip to Heraklion, one thing you definitely shouldn’t miss is a visit to the Natural History Museum! In a 3,500 m² exhibition space, you’ll discover the natural environment of Crete and the wider Eastern Mediterranean: interactive exhibits, technological applications, and audiovisual media offer you a unique experience.

A few words about the Museum

The Natural History Museum has been operating since 1980 as part of the University of Crete. Its goal is to showcase the unique characteristics of the Cretan environment in relation to the rest of Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean. It promotes environmental education, informs, and raises awareness through its permanent exhibition spaces as well as temporary exhibitions it hosts. Through “MegaDioramas,” realistic representations of the natural environment, you embark on a “journey” through time and across the regions of the Eastern Mediterranean.

Let’s start our tour of the Heraklion Natural History Museum!

Level +2: Natura 2000 of Crete

In this exhibition, you can learn everything about Crete’s Natura 2000 network areas. Which rare animal and plant species inhabit these areas? What threats do they face, and what is their protection status? Why are the Natura 2000 areas important for Crete’s social and economic prosperity? How do human activities affect the balance of natural ecosystems? You’ll find all the answers here!

Level +1: Light Mysteries, High Mountains, and Coniferous Forests

On Level +1, you first encounter an exhibition that unfolds the world of light, optics, and illusion before your eyes. Have fun with optical paradoxes, play with lasers, “magically” float in the air, and witness phenomena visible through ultraviolet radiation. Continuing your tour of the Natural History Museum, you’ll uncover the secrets of high mountains! If you’re curious how life is possible at great altitudes, now’s the time to find out. Finally, you’ll explore the coniferous forests of the Mediterranean. Among firs, cedars, and cypresses, you’ll admire the lynx and the striped hyena.

The MegaDioramas on the Ground Floor of the Natural History Museum

On the ground floor, you can discover the biodiversity of the Mediterranean, learning about the numerous organisms that inhabit it. Through two MegaDioramas, you’ll see forests of deciduous trees and Mediterranean shrublands. Bears, wolves, the rare Cretan wildcat, foxes—all come to life around you!

Ecosystems on Level -1

Here, you can explore the aquatic ecosystems of the Eastern Mediterranean and learn about the species they host. You’ll also be informed about the importance of these wetlands and the dangers threatening them today. Next, the Natural History Museum will take you to the deserts, where you’ll discover how their inhabitants survive. A stroll through the botanical garden follows, where you’ll walk among Crete’s endemic plants. This is the perfect spot for a short break, enjoying the shade of… giant dinosaurs!

Level -2: Prehistoric Animals and Earthquakes

Arriving at Level -2 of the Natural History Museum, you’ll encounter the Giant Deinotherium: standing 5 meters tall and 7 meters long, it is the largest animal ever to have lived in Crete! Continue to the exhibition featuring life-sized dinosaur reconstructions and experience the unique thrill of walking among them! At this level, you’ll also find the earthquake simulator: a specially designed space where you can experience quakes ranging from 5 to 7.6 on the Richter scale. The goal of the seismic simulator is to teach you how to react and protect yourself in such situations.

+Explorer’s Corner:

If you’re traveling with children, don’t miss the Explorer’s Corner! It’s a space specially designed for young visitors to experience the magic of nature through hands-on activities: they’ll participate in fossil digs, explore caves, and even have a night camping adventure!

Ready for the Natural History Museum?

Excited to experience the unique world of the Natural History Museum yourself? Travel comfortably to Heraklion with Fast Ferries’ fleet and explore the magic of the Eastern Mediterranean up close!

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